How it Happened
How did metapep acquire hoppers?
The metapep team were discussing the history of Avalanche, the current state of it, and working to identify a way to lift up and potentially unite the community around something really positive. We knew that Hoppers had been discontinued but that many people still held them and had really loved that project.
So, we reached out - through a mutual friend - to PM Studios to start a dialogue to see if they might be receptive to a new team taking over the project. From there, we scheduled a call to discuss our intentions and why we felt we were the right people for the job. After that, we submitted our intentions in writing, which was then accepted and the formal process of handing over the project began.
metapep did not purchase this project from PM studios. They gave it to us because they believe - as do we - that we are the right people to lead Hoppers into the future.
Last updated